A Year of Exploration and Development: DevOps Engineering

A Year of Exploration and Development: DevOps Engineering

Do you know what I'm thinking right now, how to communicate all in one or two pages of a blog?

Before you begin, I'd like to thank you for reading this and wish you the best of luck on your DevOps learning adventure.

Now start,,,

Introduction: Beginning my quest to understand DevOps engineering was both exciting and challenging. As someone who is passionate about technology and wants to streamline software development processes, I realized that understanding DevOps ideas and practices would be critical. Over one year, I distracted myself in the area of DevOps, using various resources with different cloud service providers. I discovered that the AWS documentation is better than any other resources for learning AWS.

Yes, it took me a year.

Setting the Stage: When I first started out on this road, I realized how important it was to have clear goals and expectations. I set my goals as knowing fundamental DevOps ideas, mastering common DevOps tools, and obtaining hands-on experience with continuous integration and deployment pipelines. With these aims in mind, I began my learning journey.

Months 1–2: Understanding the Fundamentals During the first phase of my journey, I concentrated on understanding the fundamentals of DevOps. Before learning DevOps technologies, I first learned the Linux operating system, which is the most important part. I discuss subjects such as Cloud Service Models, Cloud Types, Virtualization, Networking, Application Architecture, Version Control Systems, Containerization, Infrastructure as Code, and Automation. During this time, I relied heavily on the AWS documentation, which provided detailed guidelines and tutorials on a variety of DevOps services such as AWS EC2 Server, S3 buckets for storage, VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), IAM (Identity & Access Management), AWS CLI, ECR, EKS, Route53, CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CloudFormation. In addition, I looked into various websites and online platforms to help me learn, such as blogs, forums, and video courses.

Month 3–4: Mastering DevOps Tools. With a good understanding of DevOps ideas in hand, I turned my attention to learning popular DevOps tools and technologies. I spent a substantial amount of time learning about container orchestration systems like Docker and Kubernetes, configuration management tools like Ansible and Chef, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines with Jenkins and GitLab CI/CD. Again, the AWS documentation was useful in my learning process, offering detailed instructions and best practices for connecting these tools with AWS services.

Month 5: Hands-On Experience as I progressed through the second half of my journey, I sought opportunities to use my knowledge in real-world situations. I worked on personal projects and collaborated with colleagues on open-source initiatives to obtain hands-on experience with DevOps principles. I established CI/CD pipelines for web applications, automated infrastructure provisioning with AWS CloudFormation and Terraform, and developed monitoring and logging solutions to assure the dependability and performance of deployed apps. This hands-on experience was invaluable in helping me solidify my understanding of DevOps principles and improve my technical skills.

Month 6: Continuous Learning and Growth In the final stretch of my journey, I prioritized continued learning and improvement. I kept up with the newest trends and advances in the DevOps ecosystem by doing hands-on work and posting DevOps blogs to broaden my knowledge and network with industry experts. I also continued to learn about advanced issues like infrastructure optimization, security best practices, and DevOps culture and teamwork. By the conclusion of the year, I had not only met my primary learning objectives but also had a comprehensive understanding of the role of DevOps in modern software development methods.

For the next 6 months, I focused on job applications and hands-on training. There is much more to say, but maybe I'll add that to my next blog. what I did exactly into these 6 months, which projects I was part of, etc.

Conclusion: My year-long journey to learn DevOps engineering was transformative and full of obstacles, victories, and unlimited growth potential. Through effort, perseverance, and the assistance of tools such as AWS documentation and other online platforms, I was able to get a thorough understanding of DevOps principles and practices. Looking ahead, I am enthusiastic to continue improving my abilities, contributing to the DevOps community, and driving innovation in the ever-changing world of technology.

I can recommend some places where you may understand advanced topics connected to DevOps, and the blogs I followed here and there are

#AWS documentation


#docker documentation

#Jenkins documentation

#Kubernetes documentation

Hashicorp terraform documentation.

AWS interview questions to read as much as you can through multiple sites; this helps.

Do quizzes to check your comprehension in AWS


You can learn from online teachers and take a course offline; I did so because my perception at the time was that I could ask as many questions as I wanted, but I was mistaken; you must solve the majority of the errors on your own, and if you believe that coding is not required, you are mistaken; you must learn Python for scripting because most of the work DevOps architects automate means they do not have to spend their time and effort repeatedly to complete the same task. If you want to learn more about IAM identity and access management, check out my next blog post.